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Posted on April 24, 2018
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Watch Five Riders vs. King Dark (1974) Full Movie and Download. Five Riders vs. King Dark can be access for free registering. Streaming Five Riders vs. King Dark with 1080p Quality.
During a motocross practice, Keisuke Jin is ambushed by two Myth Cyborgs created by a secret organization that's attempting to control Japan, G.O.D. (Government of Darkness). He transforms into Kamen Rider X, but little does he know that his battle is recorded and analyzed by King Dark, G.O.D.'s commander, to create a super cyborg. Other G.O.D. cyborgs are attacking all over Tokyo and in the middle of the crisis, the original four Riders return to Japan from different countries around the world. The five Riders unite to lead a counter attack against G.O.D.
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There is no other better way to channel your pent-up emotions, desires, and through the world of film, fantasy and fiction. So what are you waiting for? Check out the Five Riders vs. King Dark movie on the internet.
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