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Héroe transparente

Watch Héroe transparente Online Streaming

Héroe transparente (2014)

Release : 2014-10-04
Genre : Documentary
Runtime : 52 minutes
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The life of General Victoriano Lorenzo, of indigenous descent, guerrilla fighter from the One Thousand Day War, shot by a firing squad of the oligarchy before the birth of Panama as a Republic and the building of the Canal by the North Americans in 1903, is reconstructed through several characters who know his history, life and myth. An indigenous painter, an indigenous chief, a peasant, a violinist, a singer of rhymes and a former guerrilla fighter talk to us about the life of our Transparent Hero, as we delve into their worlds of daily struggle in a country that is proud of its economic growth and gradually seeks to eliminate the memory of its people. These are stories that are weaved to highlight the figure of Victoriano Lorenzo through the imagination that creates time in the self-image of Panamanians amidst memories, versions and contradictions.

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